The CAP Trial (Cluster randomised trial of PSA testing for prostate cancer), set out to find out if inviting men aged 50-69 for a single prostate specific antigen (PSA) test would help detect high risk cancers earlier and if treating these cancers earlier would mean that men would live longer.
The trial, which involved almost 600 GP practices in the UK and included more than 400,000 men, is the largest trial ever to investigate prostate cancer screening.
The trial compared 189,386 men who were invited to have a one-off PSA test with 219,439 men who were not invited for screening.
Read the trial results here.
Those invited to have a one-off PSA test and who were diagnosed with localised prostate cancer took part in a treatment trial called ProtecT. This randomised control trial investigates the effectiveness of 3 treatments for men diagnosed with localised prostate cancer. To find out more about the ProtecT trial here.
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